No GOP War On Women, but There is Definitely a War on Christmas. And Potatoes. FUCKING POTATOES.

Once again:

Jay Townsend said acid should be thrown on Democratic women who support the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. JAY TOWNSEND SAID ACID SHOULD BE THROWN ON DEMOCRATIC WOMEN WHO SUPPORT THE LILLY LEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACT.

Amendments to a bill were introduced by House Republicans that allow insurance companies to discriminate against clients based on gender in ANY area, even so that women may be charged higher premiums for home owner’s insurance. (HB 238, Montana)

Arizona passed bills declaring a woman pregnant two weeks before conception. (Seriously. I am pregnant in Arizona.)

Bills introduced to permit employers to ask a woman why she is using contraceptives. This is an inconceivable violation of privacy, and allows employers to look at employee’s medical records and interrogate women on our private sex lives. (If a man is using Viagra, however, he will not be asked what the fuck is wrong with his cock.)

All GOP presidential candidates have signed the Personhood Pledge vowing to eliminate Planned Parenthood clinics. This WILL affect lower class women and prevent them from acquiring birth control for safe sex. Denying a woman contraceptives because she’s having sex is like denying a scientist cancer treatment because she works with radioactivity. (She should just not be working with radioactivity then! My bad, is it only MEN who can’t be expected to keep it in their pants because BIOLOGY?)

Republicans introduced bills to redefine rape to FORCIBLE encounters.

Republicans condescendingly insist that Asian and South Asian immigrants are morally bankrupt sexists who want to abort girls. While pretending not to be racist. (Never mind solving the ROOT of the problem of why people prefer boys being that Republicans promote a FUCKING SEXIST CULTURE.) Democrats have signed onto this one. (Because they’re dumbasses.)

Rush Limbaugh has declared all women who use birth control whores and has SEXUALLY HARRASSED THEM, asserting they should make videos of ourselves having sex and upload them to the Internet for him to watch.

A women who has a miscarriage might be considered a murderer, by no fault of her own (HB 167). This is NOT theoretical; it has HAPPENED TO WOMEN.

Fox News hosted a man who believes women should be prevented from voting and cannot control themselves in positions of power. Conservative men believe the nation was greater before women were “allowed” to vote (back when they could punch women in the face, there were no shelters, and no one to bitch about things like women’s rights) already betraying in language that they don’t believe voting is a right but a privilege, and one that should be practiced ONLY WHEN IT BENEFITS MEN. (And they WILL FORCIBLY stop you.)

When asked why he believes insurance should not over contraceptives but should cover Viagra, Sean Hannity replied, “That’s a MEDICAL problem.” I still fucking love Gloria Steinem (minus the transphobia.)

Republicans in the Senate voted against Violence Against Women Act, then when reauthorizing passed a watered down version that would cease extending protections to Native American women; Republicans filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act.

States run by Republicans have introduced legislation to force women to undergo UNECESSARY trans-vaginal probes against their will (LEGISLATIVE RAPE) before receiving an abortion.

States run by Republicans have cut budgets in health care, Social Security, and education that would disproportionately impact women.

Republicans did not allow anyone with a uterus to testify at the House contraception hearing.

Scott Walker has repealed Wisconsin’s Equal Pay Law. SCOTT WALKER HAS REPEALED WISCONSIN’S EQUAL PAY LAW.

Since January 2010 over 400 bills have been introduced in the House attacking our reproductive rights.

ALL Republicans, except for three Republican congressmen and two Republican senators, voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Republican Lisa Murkowski herself has stated she does not understand why her party is making these attacks. (Warm fuzzy feelings, and much respect for her brave honesty.)

See also: Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the GOP’s War on Women

Candidate report card on women’s issues

But don’t worry because it’s really just the ‘end of men.’ They will believe that shit first. Also don’t say ‘happy holidays.’

28 thoughts on “No GOP War On Women, but There is Definitely a War on Christmas. And Potatoes. FUCKING POTATOES.

  1. I am not from the US (duh) so I don’t understand the manner in which your legal system operates. In South Africa, provinces (/states?) can have municipal laws but they can’t override our constitution. Broadly speaking.

    How is it possible that these laws can be passed? Doesn’t your constitution (pardon my ignorance) disallow discrimination on the basis of gender (/race/socio-economic status etc.)?

    Also, can you explain the point of pregnant two weeks before conception- what is this about?


    1. Doesn’t your constitution (pardon my ignorance) disallow discrimination on the basis of gender (/race/socio-economic status etc.)?

      You would think, but technically only in voting after the establishment of the 19th Amendment, and you can see even that is being challenged. (Even in the Declaration of Independence only all men are created equal. Which is said to linguistically include women, but that’s a lie. It actively has not.) Civil Rights are protected by a series of acts.

      They are only passed in states, because legislating a woman’s body is considered territory (ha!) for states’ government, and the states apparently can “override” the Constitution because (1) these aren’t specifically included in it and (2) Republicans have nearly as little respect for it as they do for women, as demonstrated by their clear issues with things like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (which exists on a national level, and which they have been able to challenge at that level, just as they have done with equal pay laws in states) in the most needless affront to Civil Rights: thanks to the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a woman earning lower wages for her sex has legally been wronged every time she receives a paycheck (not just the initial paycheck after she is hired) so that the time within which she must file for a lawsuit is reset. Who would be against that? People who hate America.

      Here’s an article regarding the bill stating a woman is pregnant two weeks before conception: “The 18th week bill includes a new definition for when pregnancy begins. A sentence in the bill defines gestational age as “calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman,” which would move the beginning of a pregnancy up two weeks prior to conception. The bill’s passage would give Arizona the earliest cutoff for late-term abortions in the country; most states use 20 weeks as a definition.” (You can read in it that doctors may now also withhold vital medical information from women if they believe it will cause them to seek an abortion.)


  2. almostclever

    As someone from Wisconsin, I CANNOT WAIT to vote Tuesday in the recall elections and send Scott Walker’s tired ass WALKING!! It has been a huge issue here for women. I just hope we show our solidarity and get this done. Conservative extremists have been out in full force. I am not looking forward to the drama sure to ensue.


  3. Tara

    I hope you don’t base your opinion of our country on one blogger who can’t even put a sentence together without using a four-letter word. The reason you don’t understand is that she didn’t explain anything.

    The reason Viagra is covered and birth control is not covered under insurance is not because of “a war on woman”. Health insurance only covers treatments for diseases. Viagra treats Erectile disfunction which is a recognized disease. Birth control prevents pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a recognized disease.

    I had two children and the start date of both of my pregnancies were calculated this way. The start date of pregnancy is the first day of the woman’s last menstrual cycle (usually 2 weeks before conception). As it is thought by doctors that woman would be more likely to know when they had their period than the exact sexual encounter led to conception.

    Rush limbaugh and fox news are known to be extremists. The fact that they make ridiculous comments doesn’t prove a war on woman. It just proves that America values free speech.


    1. Sexual harassment is NOT protected by free speech.

      So perhaps you should be passively aggressively lecturing Limbaugh on his choice of exercising hate free speech to harass women to make pornographic videos than noting how many times I use the word ‘fuck.’

      Erectile dysfunction is not a disease. No, it’s not even considered a recognized disease. It is a dysfunction. And even THAT speaks volumes about the entitlements of men and how male-centric insurance companies, medical labels, and Republican politicians are. Treating erectile dysfunction ENABLES a man to have sex, to which he does not have any more right than enabling a woman. Pregnancy, however, is a consequence of the same activity to which men are so entitled. That doesn’t need to be explained. And employers probing into why women are using contraceptives to ensure that the reason is either to regulate periods or treat ovarian cysts or other “valid” medical reasons is despicable, and such interrogation would never be endured by men using Viagra.

      And when they begin to COUNT the weeks most certainly affects whether a woman can have an abortion if the limit is 18–if they count before conception, she has less time. The point of including that in the bill, as she asked, is limit the time women have to receive real medical help. There is a reason that was pointedly included in the bill.

      Is that all you’ve got? What about the rest? Nothing? Good, my point proven.

      And by the way, Limbaugh may be considered an extremist.* But Fox News? Mainstream.

      *Doesn’t seem to prevent loads of people from lining up to defend him.


      1. Tara

        I think what Limbaugh said about woman is disgusting but he didn’t harrass anyone. He didn’t even direct his comments at a specific person. All speech that doesn’t harm or endanger anyone, even of it is hateful, is protected. One person on fox news (I don’t know anyone who would call it mainstream) does not mean women’s right to vote is being challenged.

        Diseases, disorders, dysfunctions are abnormalities sexual dysfunction, irregular periods, ovarian cysts are abnormalities. Fertility is normal.

        Gynecology has always used the first day of a woman’s last period as the start of pregnancy. Why should this be different for the purpose of determining the age to comply with abortion laws? Should abortion providers be able to use any start date?

        I understand the war on Christmas, but who is waging a war on potatoes. You must explain this because I like potatoes.


        1. Tara, he told women who use birth control to post pornographic videos of themselves online, and called them whores. That is sexual harassment. Now of course I agree it didn’t harm or endanger anyone specifically, which is why he should not be arrested. But that doesn’t make it not sexual harassment.

          And it is more than one person on Fox News who believes things were better before women could vote; I’ve heard the sentiment expressed elsewhere. I would call Fox News mainstream, but if you insist it isn’t–well I take it you disagree with them then on that point and there’s no use in circling around it.

          I am sorry you had to read cuss words. I was kind of miffed before that you were policing my language and seemed lighter on Limbaugh, but you’re very polite and I wouldn’t want to offend you that way. My reply to you was very harsh because I was miffed, so I’m sorry. I do cuss here sometimes–maybe even often–but it’s to express real frustration; I don’t build arguments on it. Anyway, the title, I was referring to a story Fox covered 20% tariffs on frozen potatoes. I like potatoes too. ;)

          No, of course they should not be able to use any start date. Which is why they should not be using a start date before conception. You can’t begin counting the weeks for the development of a fetus before it has begun to develop if you’re cutting off the opportunity for abortion based on how developed the fetus is.

          “Fertility is normal.” No. =/ That’s not what this is about. If a man wants Viagra because he wants to have children, would he be distinguished from those who want it because they just want to have sex? Because that’s what we’re doing to women.


    2. Lana

      I hope you don’t base your opinion of our country

      LOL you mean her opinion of REPUBLICANS. As shown not everyone in the US hates women.


    3. bigstick1

      Birth control does treat numerous problems for women that are medical besides pregnancies such as ovarian cysts, PCOS, etc. Some of the birth control has a large cost to it but it pales in comparison to an unwanted child or the development of ovarian cancer or other issues. Next I would rather pay for the prevention of unwanted children verse paying for the child afterwards through welfare.

      As it is I am paying churches with my tax dollars to spew their hate doctrines. So before you take it away here why don’t we remove it from the churches. How about that, we all be better off without the organized crime (oh sorry church) organizations anyway. Total damn waste of taxpayer money.


  4. Tara

    If birth control is used to treat a disease than it is covered by insurance just like any other medications. It is not covered when it is used for birth control because fertility is not an illness. Birth control may prevent ovarian cancer but it also has other health risks like all medications. Medication is not the only option. Condoms prevent pregnancy and diseases and cost almost nothing.


    1. bigstick1

      So you advocated for insurances to pay for condoms but not birth control? Is that your point? What is your problem with insurances paying for this service in the first place as the cost analysis for preventing pregnancies is far more beneficial to pay it than to not? Who said fertility is not an issue. You? There are many women who find fertility to be an issue and one which can be medically treated to prevent it. Granted medication is not the only option but who are you to decide as to what their options should be?. I assure you the cost of having more children will drive the cost of insurance even higher and the insurance companies know this.

      Why treat Erectile dysfunction as it’s primary purpose is for fertility and procreation. Since that is the case and I don’t want to support unwanted babies with my tax dollars why not leave men who can’t afford this dysfunctional medication as this will help the poor from further procreating. After all the poor are not human and don’t deserve choices or options (SARCASM INCLUDED).

      By the way medication that helps ED also has medical health risks associated with it. So, I don’t see your point on this issue.


      1. Tara

        I don’t personally have a problem with bc. But I’m unsure about forcing religious organizations to cover something that is against their beliefs. My concern is that it can lead to other religious freedoms being taken away

        When I mentioned condoms I wasn’t saying insurance should pay for them. My point was that they are an affordable alternative for people who can’t afford bc medication. In other words the choices aren’t buy expensive bc or get pregnant.

        I know fertility is a problem for people who don’t want children at the moment. My point is that there is nothing medically wrong with a person who is fertile.


        1. No one is forcing religious organizations to cover something that is against their beliefs. But religious organizations are forcing those who do not share their interpretations to go against their beliefs. Doctors have REFUSED the morning after pill to rape victims.


      2. bigstick1


        No one is forcing a religious organizations to do anything. Religious organizations are forcing their form of discrimination and hate upon those who don’t believe in it and are doing it by way of taxpayer monies. In addition, religion should never exceed the bounds of the church and an individual’s belief system. When it affects others who do not believe then it should be stopped as it is forcing a message of gender discrimination, homophobia, division, racism, etc and other hate dogma onto others.

        The second religious organizations stop using taxpayer monies and non-exempt status is when they can choice until then keep you hate dogma limited to your followers and those who chose to practice it and don’t force it down the throats of others.

        Again, unitl religious organizations does without the taxpaper money and tax emempt status, they need to shut up on forcing anything upon another person to which is discriminatory and not in the best interest of the person but instead they force a bankrupt belief system which has repeatedly fuel hate, discrimination, murder, etc.

        As far as the BC issue they are not covering the cost the insurance companies are and they are glad to as it cost less up front for the whole of society to keep unwanted children on the welfare role. The church is great about the spew on the sanctity of life until the baby is born then they let you starve while filling their coffers.

        Next having to many children creates medical problems for many people and there are some people who cannot use condoms as they are latex allegeric other types of condoms have a higher fail rate.

        Make no mistake children born to a family that exceeds their capacity to care for the child creates a drain on the insurance company and society. Insurance companies understand long term effects obviously the church does not nor does it care nor has it ever cared when it comes to this type of organization that forces itself on others who chose not to have it and demands their medical coverage be altered to fit their belief system instead of allowing people to chose what best for their medical needs, their body and their life choices. In other words to hell with people but instead follow a belief system that has been proven to be detrimental to many.


      3. bigstick1


        So glad that you like to dictate what is best for an individual otherwise (not counting the emergency). My hope for you is to become dirt poor and be married popping out babies unable to afford it and having a hugh prolapse or other medical problems with a latex allegery or so poor you can’t even afford condoms. Maybe at that point you will understand the desperation, anxiety, terror, etc. of living a life like this for many women. Of course you can just become celibate and be married. How about that one.

        Just so you know condoms have a large failure rate. You are typically of religous. Have a kid at the expense of everyone but let it suffer in poverty once it is born and make damn sure the parents and siblings suffer as well.


  5. almostclever

    Tara, what is your stake in this issue? Why don’t you want insurance companies to cover BC? What are we losing if we cover women? Women without access to birth control have unwanted pregnancies, and unwanted children. Harsh truth. Condoms work 80% of the time, BC works 99.9%. What do you suggest as an alternative? Do you support Planned Parenthood giving out free BC pills and condoms and sending three month supplies to women’s homes (which comes out of Medicaid)?


      1. almostclever

        There indeed are women who go against their own interests in order to conform to “the boys club,” but I would be focusing on the men who created and pushed this issue.


      2. bigstick1

        Believe me I am focusing on them but I am always floored by women who shoot themselves in the foot despite known history of systematic abuse and deception by the religious.

